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I see four good picks on that list.

Uncharted is cool. The 360 doesn't have many good Tomb Raider-type games, especially since Tomb Raider is so shitty these days. =P

Little Big Planet is a unique game, and every console would be lucky to have it.

MGS4 is the best game ever if you're a fan of the franchise, but a complete waste of time if you're not. Still, millions of people are, and probably many of them have a 360 and no PS3.

God of War 1&2 were some of the best games in their genre, which is pretty rare this gen. The only other similar game of equal quality is Devil May Cry 4, and of course Platinum's upcoming Bayonetta. Definitely a case of high demand and low availability.

But Killzone 2... why would any 360 owner want it? It's not like there's a shortage of top notch shooters on the console. I know it's "OMG OMG best shooter ever, 90% attack rate!!1", but I'll believe it when it's released. Ok, it'd probably sell well due to how much 360 people like shooters, but shouldn't be so high on a list with those other games IMO.