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valen200 said:
Pristine20 said:
Hawkeye said:
People buy HDTVs becuase they need a new TV and HDTV is all that is available. If people mainly cared about HD, 720P HDTVs wouldn't sell.


Why they're selling isn't important. The point is that they're selling period. Most people are resistant to change and would not budge except they had no choice. Then when they change, they realize that it isn't all that bad. Many technological movements are like this.

Seriously, many of you are just picking at straws to thow one more bone at the article or the ps3 that it's getting pathetic.

Umm, why and how they are selling s very important. A person who wants the sleek look of a flatscreen is a different customer than someone who wants the clearest picture. It is sales 101. They will both have a HDTV, but one is more likely to know how to harness the tv's abilities than the other. A customer who cares about harnessing Hd is more likely to want a 360/ps3/blue-ray/dvd upconverter/etc.  than someone who thinks their 20 year old bedroom set is just fine.



In the context of this discussion, they're not. No one cares who is buying the wii because it can fit in their living room space vs those who want to play wii fit. What's relevant to the article is that the wii is the best selling console right now. Please focus on the main topic at hand and don't join others who seem hell bent on nitpicking insignificant portions of the article because it presents an opposite viewpoint of the ps3 than we've become accustomed to reading.


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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler