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You guys should know that Gabe Newell hates the PS3, he said that in so many words in a video interview. So I don't even think its worth using this as ammunition for or against the PS3. It's the same problems as always, and I am thinking that Valve just said that they don't care anymore on this one and decided not to bother trying. This isn't pro PS3 and it isn't anti PS3, Gabe Newell literally did say that he thinks Sony should scrap the PS3, so I don't think we can use this information in favor or against the PS3.

Is this the thread you were talking about being derailed? It sounds like a vague quote that is very open to interpretation, so it really doesn't surprise me that much. I could see your side of things if it was a perfectly innocent thread being derailed but this one is based on a vague quote which can be good and bad.

I think the PS3 threads have a very innate ability to create controversy because the point of most of them is to prove that it is superior in every way to the other consoles, which can you really blame us for bugging you about. With Wii threads its always about discussing the latest Smash Bros update, or the Metroid countdown. There really isn't anything to cause controversy there. Show me otherwise, and I will post in the eat crow thread, if I can find it.