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NJ5 said:
Do you think people are buying HD televisions because they don’t care? Of course not. They want HDtv.

Or maybe they want a flat and nice looking TV. Jumping to conclusions = bad. By the way, the majority of TV owners still don't own a HDTV.

Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and Resistance 2 are all MUST HAVE TITLES.

No they are not. There's no such thing as a must-have title in the first place, and Heavenly Sword is certainly not one of them.

about heavenly sword, probably not, but the rest are much MUST have imo.

and i hope you are based "no they are not" opinion because you play them to completition.

the article writter used must have as "really good games" which they are.