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You know for a gaming website it often seems people on vgchartz don't play a lot of games O.o; dying 15times on the centaur bit? Struggling to get past wave 10 of horde? I barely have much time left for gaming at the moment but im still a gamer, I have the standard skills you need to do the easy things in gaming.

Sometimes im actually shocked when I see peoples gamercards from this website, they will only have a few games and often a very low completion ratio. Seems they spend too much time on the site instead of actually gaming.

I have to disagree with people about the story in GoW2 though. I think it actually does a really good job for it's genre. Im interested in what happens in the 3rd. The problem with gears is because it's a high action game they can't just give you a 5minute part where nothing is happening because a large % of the audience would get bored. I also think they do a pretty good job with the characters. It's funny people always say how rubbish the characters are yet the amount of people who love Cole or Baird or Dom is insane.

They actually do a good job of conveying the story as well, which in gaming is actually pretty rare. Yea Halo has a good story but damned if you could tell by playing the games oh a 2minute cutscene in 40minutes of gaming? erm okay whats happening. Or MGS where Kojima seems to not only fired all editors but actually hired people to insert un-needed fluff. Sure the story in gears isn't award winning but it's interesting and presented in the right way.

I often think the biggest problem to stories in gaming is the gamers themselves. People always praise games like Half life or MGS for having great stories when often the case is simply the games spend a huge amount of time telling you about the story, it doesn't mean it's a good story it just means they are spending a lot of time on it. Hl2 especially I don't think the story is anything special at all and is severly hindered by you being a flaoting camera who doesn't interact with the world.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.