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MontanaHatchet said:

The vehicle parts were a mixed bag. The ride in the centaur, especially when you're in the middle of the icy waters, was so frustrating that I slammed down my controller in frustration and accidentally smashed my own balls. The Brumak riding, on the other hand, was one of the most fun parts in the entire campaign.


I had a pretty easy time with that part.

The Skorge battle, on the other hand, that had me infuriated... Those stupid fucking columns kept getting me.

The Brumack riding was cool but way too easy. I never even came close to dying. My favorite part of the game, though, was the last city segment on foot through the courtyard, the building (whatever it was)... Basically, the last part of the "standard" game (right before you get the Hammer) on your way toward the sinkhole. That's where Gears really shines IMO... Big, open spaces with loads of enemies and cover where you have to methodically pick off 3-4 enemies before moving forward a few feet.

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