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Being a child is awesome :D

I do, however, think it has a lot to do with attitude. You (Dtewi) seem like a positive person, so you'd have a swell time as a grown-up as well.


As long as you don't lose the attitude and think that your life sucks now (as in later) compared to what it used to, you might enjoy growing up even more.


It is great being a child (I refuse to use "kid" as you American bastards do. Soccer... heh), but it's going to be great being a grown-up too. I mean, it can't be that many worries then...?


Pff, I'm just a naive child. Being grown-up sucks.

(Kudos to anyone who gets what I'm playing at)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS