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Killzone3 said:

A PC game maker saying PS3 is harder to dev then the 360, really iam shocked (not) Iam a console gamer, valve means nothing to me (honestly valve id me no care). Square Konami Insomniacs NDog Polyphony Digital mean alot.

Complaints really mean nothing to me other then to aviad that devs game, for every one crying its hard theres some one praising it and showing off its capability. I know PS3 is hard to dev on, but i also see Killzone GT5 Uncharted FF13 MGS4 and i just dont care about some excuse as Team Ninja guy called it.

"other developers will take notice"

They did and they figured it out, Ubisoft did the guys behind CoD4 have hell they were insulted when 1up joked that the PS3 version will be 30fps, their anwser to how they did it was a cold "we programmed it" The whole its hard has quickly become an embarrassment, like Madden in EAs case where they had to defend them selfs and make up the we lacked time excuse.

ps- thread nicely derailed aint it, PS3 superior power hard to accept hehe.


If by derailed you mean someone pointed out how you took a quote out of context then yes it was completely derailed. Stripping away all the bad parts and only posting the good is at its core a very fanboy thing to do, I don't know if you did it on purpose or if you just stumbled onto the second page of the article but someone pointing out the context it was stated in was very valid. And the natural progression of whether this was another EA complaint or actually a valve complaint was a further natural extension of the thread.

You are entitled to your opinion obviously, and you can pick and choose which people you will listen to but personally I find it a lot harder to ignore when it is not just major developers saying the same thing but the developers known for quality. I have a hard time just dismissing this just because they are known for their PC development and not their console development. Partly because I know there are more similarities than dissimilarities between the platforms, but mostly because I know Valve won't make half-assed attempts at games and just release them.

As for the EA madden issue specifically, where are you getting the idea that EA just made up an excuse? I'm not saying you're wrong I just haven't seen anything that indicates that. Or are you making an assumption on that? If it is an assumption then I will say once again you are entitled to your opinion but try to be a little more careful about passing your opinions off as fact.

Finally I have to ask this question since it seems highly hypocritical to me,  if you meant what you said when you posted this:

"I am a console gamer, valve means nothing to me"

Then why did you post this thread at all if it truly means nothing? At the risk of being rude I will give you my opinion of the reason:

You are only interested in positive PS3 news and have no interest in a fair assesment of the situation.

I'm sure many who read this thread are thinking the same thing, so I decided to just state it flat out. You are entitled to this view and you can believe what you want but its pretty clear to me that this is your sole motivation with this thread and more than likely the reason the negative context is missing from your OP. Thats my opinion and I luckily am just as entitled to it as you are to your opinions.

Well anyways, I have made my position on this article very clear, so I will just leave it at that.


To Each Man, Responsibility