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albionus said: Come on Hus, I just said you were entertaining and this is how you repay my compliment? PS360N64PSXBOX said: DKII said: PS360 is a strict waste of money, 90% of their library is identical to each other. "On a budget" and "don't care about cost", huh. To you, that is NOT a fact! I know yous lubs yours wiis, but that doesn't mean PS360 is a waste, just that you think it is! To each his own dude! Shit, I could say 90% of the xbox's library was identical to the PS2, but it's exclusives made it worth it. PS3 has exculsive content for GTA4 Driver 5 Final Fantasy XIII God Of War III Gran Turismo 5 KillZone 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 Motorstorm Resistance: Fall of Man Resistance 2: Rise of Man Tekkan 6 Do you actually have time to play all those games??? How old are you again? I'm 25 and I'm lucky to have time for 3 or 4 major consoles games a year. Thankfully there's the DS . And uh, to stay on topic, PS3 reaches point of no return, soon....ish.
I am 26 and I never said I had time for them, just that I want them. There is a difference. Point of no return? Based on Hus's trolling that is never. I would say if it doesn't pick up mid next year.

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!