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Max King of the Wild said:
libellule said:
1/ "lack of good games even these days" ?


2/ people wanting a console and buying PS3 for games may discover BR later
==> new consumer attraction

3/ BR player are very low in price now so u dont need to buy the expensive PS3 to play BR
==> BR players less sales hurted than before ?

just my 2 cents


 I'm having a huge case of deja vu right now while reading this post.... has this thread happened before?

Well some of the arguments do have the stink of 2007 on them, so you may want to search around then. Don't blame bdbdbd though. He's just trying to be retro, like when bellbottoms went back in style.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.