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So you think a 2 year old port on the Wii (~40mil userbase) is supposed to outsell the original on the PS2 (120mil+ userbase)?

Oh, I noticed most of your post you cite Game Rankings (is it?) like it's the bible. Down to 3 decimal places... Christ. Paul_Warren, is that you?

The reviews don't mean shit when it comes to sales. What was the game I mentioned earlier... Okami? How did that sell (on the PS2, no less)? How about Viewtiful Joe, Persona 3/4, Ico, Psychonauts - why are their sales dwarfed by Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (~70%, 5mil), Spider-Man (~76%, 4.3mil), Simpsons: Hit and Run(~77%, 4.2mil), etc?

I'll give you a hint: it has nothing to do with aggregate review scores.


 "Video games are supposed to take you to places and have you experience things that you would never be able to in real life, and playing table tennis and exercising are the direct antithesis of that."

Says who?