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Meh I don't care what system games in GENERAL come out on as long as it's not Wii. Don't get me wrong I have a wii, but I hate it with a passion so it's not because i won't be able to play it. To me it just sucks knowing a game came out that could be better if just on another platform.

I do want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive though cause the system sales are out of balance and i don't want monopoly next gen for Microsoft. Also this is just a personal thing lol. I don't want any more 360 exlusives this gen because I'm not shelling out more money for another red ring. Someone posted a forum recently saying," If you have a chevy fail on you 2 months after purchase, your next car will most likely be another brand"
Yeah not letting this happen again....

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2