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LBP and R2 don't have stronger boost sales than Fable2 and Gears2 right now.
Look at the data:

GAME: (NA Last week) - (NA This week) [ % boost ] (TOTAL NA SALES)

  • LBP: (44k) - (61k) [ 28 % ] (0,58m)
  • R2: (39k) - (53k) [ 26 % ] (0,50m)
  • Gears 2: (119k) - (158k) [ 33 % ] (2,27m)
  • Fable 2: (45k) - (68k) [ 34 % ] (1,25m)

Hell, even these games have a stronger Holiday boost than the flagship PS3 games:
(Note that these two games have smaller overall sales than LBP and R2)

  • Lips: (42k) - (68k) [ 38 % ] (0,17m)
  • Banjo-Kazooie N&B: (38k) - (57k) [ 33 % ] (0.24m)

(All these games released in the same period)


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