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Also, If you look at the sales trend compared with 360 exclusive games released the relative same time (Fable2, gears 2), LBP and R2 are selling a bit better as the weeks progress. I'm beginning to believe this "increase" (if we can call it that) in sales is probably due to late adopters who are picking up these games late due to other releases or were uneasy about previews for the game. Bottom line is, no matter how "well" they might be selling now, they missed the bulk of their sales that occur at launch (which the 360 "counterparts" successfully did. If these 2 games have true legs, the relatively strong sales will continue into the new year. If they both drop out of the WW top 50 then it was obviously nothing more than a holiday push increase. If i was Sony I would be marketing LBP as a family game since it appears to be the demographic they are missing out on.