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PS360N64PSXBOX said: DKII said: PS360 is a strict waste of money, 90% of their library is identical to each other. "On a budget" and "don't care about cost", huh. To you, that is NOT a fact! I know yous lubs yours wiis, but that doesn't mean PS360 is a waste, just that you think it is! To each his own dude! Shit, I could say 90% of the xbox's library was identical to the PS2, but it's exclusives made it worth it. PS3 has exculsive content for GTA4 Driver 5 Final Fantasy XIII God Of War III Gran Turismo 5 KillZone 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 Motorstorm Resistance: Fall of Man Resistance 2: Rise of Man Tekkan 6 Hmmmmm...Look like you need to due some homework...Unless you can prove none of those are Exclusive titles. Unless that it looks like PS360 is a good deal. FYI, I maybe on a budget but not cheap! I will save the money to buy what I want instead of buyinh something cheap.
Never said it was a fact, clearly it's my opinion. Why do you buy a console for games that aren't out yet? Buy a 360 now and a PS3 next year when some of those games have a shot at seeing the light of day. You're paying an extra $600 (+$60 per game) for those two games that are out right now on your list, and they aren't even that good compared to similar offerings on the 360. Yet you won't pay $250 for a unique experience with several exclusives that are already better than those two. There's no reason to buy a PS3 right now. Maybe this holiday, maybe next year, but now? No way.