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alright people. lets look at this objectively and not with our fanboy goggles on.

lbp is selling great for a new IP: Huge Success!
lbp is selling great for a ps3 game: again success.
lbp sales for the super hyped up and mega-marketed game that it is: underachieved.
lbp's casual gaming ability to bring in non-gamers like wii games: complete failure.
lbp as a system seller for anyone (gamers or non-gamers): complete failure.
lbp's quality: i haven't played it but it looks cool i think and i'd get it if i had a ps3.

so, from the point of view that its just another game and another new ip does it succeed? absolutely. its already over a million and will probably end up over 3 or 4 million total. a bigtime new ip. although i'm not sure if its really a franchisable title, i feel like a sequel would just be the exact same thing. but still it's selling great!

but, did it succeed with the expectations from sony and sony's massive hype around the game as the system seller of the year and THE game that is gonna expand the ps3 audience? absolutely not. it did nothing to impact sales and doesn't look like it succeeded in taking any of that non-gamer audience away from the wii.

in conclusion: its selling great, i'll be one of the ps3's best selling games this gen. but due to it being a massively overhyped game which seems to happen to every big ps3 game it falls far short of meeting expectations.

(i'm much more surprised about the low sales of R2, now that game is a flop! lbp held up its end as one of the big two exclusives for ps3 during the second half of this year, but R2 sales are a down right wreck since its supposed to be the premiere shooter on the ps3.)

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy