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dtewi said:
psrock said:

guys leave Dtewi alone, i think he got grounded and he's a little upset.


Why should I be upset? CGI as found common ground with me saying that I do have good points.

All you are doing is crying that I am being an ass and you have yet to refute a single point I have made.



What point have you made.

Seriously, you come to a thread which was actually positive and completely detrailed it with Kirby because you felt it was bias. guess what , I actually agreed with you that it was weird to use all three sony hardware against the 360 to make a point, but you acted like a complete troll in this thread. So i assume its personal issues.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)