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NJ5 said:
I said that Super Mario most likely approaches the costs of Lair.

And you posted no proof of that assertion. Also, Super Mario Galaxy is not only a high-quality game but also a game with lots of content. Does Lair have that much content (levels, etc)?

If I'm not wrong, wasn't Lair rushed out and unpolished as far as controls goes and perhaps other parts? That against a game from maybe the most important Nintendo series of all time, where everything has to be perfect in Miyamoto eyes? With other words, I think Super Mario Galaxy could rival the cost of HD games, but Lair could be more expensive to and would have been if it had gotten the time it needed.


@ Kyros

One of the points with Wii was to keep development cost at GC/PS2 level, without the developers having to spend much time and money to learn a new system, as Wii is close to how the GC works (but controls probably gave them problems instead). All that to give the developers possibility to make games as they fit, anywhere from trash-visuals to somewhere beyond GC and Xbox. That compared to Xbox 360 and PS3 where so many things from development kits and beyond are, or at least, where more expensive then on the previous generation.

So there are cost advantages on Wii, that i the benefit of working on Wii. But nowhere does it say Wii games has to be cheaper to make then HD games and if a big core game is cheaper on Wii, it might not be by that much (or, it just might).

Many games break even and profit more easy on Wii compared to many Xbox 360 and PS3 games, no matter what type of game.