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Haze and Lair were both mediocre, but I wouldn't say either one really "sucked". Haze was just generic... it wasn't terrible. Just same-old, same-old. The framerate was great, but otherwise it was just-another-shooter. That's what the media hated about it -- an exclusive that wasn't special in any way.

Lair was actually not a bad game at all. You can gripe about the controls all you want, but if you trusted what the reviews said, you kinda missed out. It was the framerate in some missions, and not the controls at all (unless you lack some dexterity... a lot of people do, sadly), that was the problem.

Lots of so-so games, even decent games, are not selling this gen. The game needs to be exceptional enough to live up to any hype it gets, or it fails. The games industry is past its "golden age" is all. Publishers need to learn that mediocrity won't cut it any longer, and they need to stop pushing games out the door early.  Lair probably would have been fantastic, were it delayed another 6 mos.