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Lolcislaw said:
Kyros said:
And Wii version sales are still profit, no matter the ratio, so that's a bullshit point.

eh no they aren't. You seem to have a NRDF or Nintendo Reality Distortion Field in action. Please deactivate. Wii games cost money to develop as well. Crappy PS2 ports cost less, good Wii games cost more. I am willing to bet that a Nintendo Wii game (at least one of the good ones not cheap Wii Music) costs as much as most HD games to develop.
In other words you get what you pay for.

You cant be serious look at the game like Super Mario Galaxy (one of the best games this Gen) and compare it to the costs of Halo 3 or GTA IV.

Look at the titles like No More Heroes, De Blob , Fire Emblem they really dont have to sell that much to be profitable, then compare them to the HD titles like Haze or Too Human, Lair which were financial bombs, games with those sales do make profit on Nintendo platform, according to developers (Suda, THQ all claimed that they games were successful).

HD development costs are extremely high, and apart from the blockbuster titles, not many other games do sell well (just look at every western company financial report) and the fate of Mirrors Edge etc. etc. etc. It is development costs that have put so many companies in red. Wii games cost much less then HD title

u maybe wrong about that because many of those games cost least that high budget ps2 games.

FFX - 30 million budget.

FF12- 40 million in budget.

and those HD games probably not be half that except for too human.