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LordTheNightKnight said:
Lolcislaw said:
I havent seen any Wii adverts in the UK, but if there is a media campaign behind the game Activision probably realised that they have not put enough effort to promote game on that platform, it will probably crawl into some decent sales for them but they know it could have done so much better.

I think now it is too little to late.


Only because you forget Wii game have long term sales.


Oh i do know that, but if Activision tried to put even more effort in to the Wii version (improve online, maybe split screen, maybe offer something different to HD twins, because it impossible to make it better looking, they should try to offer alternative), put adverts on earlier, they would be able to see some good sales from the start, and decent openning.

The game will make profit and sell well overall (i'm not sure it can make a million) but is it going to be fast enough for Activision to put next efforts on the Wii?

When PS2 support finally dies (and that's round the corner) Wii will only benefit from better graphics and more effort, and games like Madden , Star Wars:TFU , COD etc. will be only better on that platform.