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Yeah, like Impulsivity was saying the Wii is getting by on shovelware. All of the top selling software on that console Wii Sports (which only gets its sales numbers because it is packed in with the Wii), Wii Fit, it is all shovelware designed to attract the attention of nongamers, while most of the games that are actually good on the Wii languish in comparison. Ie. Mario Galaxy the best game on Wii still under 8 million in sales according to this site while a game like Wii Sports has sold 37 million copies. Metroid Prime 3 selling under 2 million copies. Zelda: Twilight Princess still under 5 million.

     I see many Wii fans saying, "Oh, Nintendo's goal was to attract new types of people to the system and then transform them into core gamers."  However, if they were succeeding in that, then I would expect Zelda:  Twilight Princess to have far more than the 4.97 million copies sold that this site says it has.  In comparison, Ocarina of Time had 7.60 on the N64.  Also, Metroid Prime 3 would be expected to have more than 1.46 million copies sold if the Wii was magically transforming all these people that bought things like Wii Fit into core gamers.  Heck, the first Metroid Prime sold over 3 million copies ( and why does it seem like its sales information has been removed from this site?)  So, the Wii is a console where shovelware Carnival Games, Wii Sports, Wii Fit sell in staggering numbers while much better and more respected games do no better than usual on other consoles.

And if most of the major third party development was to shift to the Wii it would be because publishers would want do so to try to make the same types of games as Wii Sports, etc, that have shown that they sell in staggering numbers on the Wii instead of core games which as illustrated with the examples that I give above haven't really shown that they sell better on the Wii than on any other system, and this would be damaging to the industry.  Heck, unless Nintendo starts showing that they are serious about games like Zelda and a new Mario platformer again instead of a vague announcement of them at E3 followed up by more pablum like a weak version of Animal Crossing and Wii Music, then it is going to seem that Nintendo is following this trend of pushing shovelware that sells instead of trying to develop top flight core games when they used to be the best publisher and producer of core games in the world.



Heavens to Murgatoids.