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FishyJoe said:
coasterlove said:
It doesn't matter if they don't sell right away, they will sell no matter what. If not, they'll lower the price slightly to get rid of stock. Problem solved.

This isssue is how much it will cost. If it takes up floor space for weeks or months and they have to discount, it could lose money for the retailer.

Obviously, I haven't seen the particular store you shop at but the one by me also has the huge music mountain. Most of it is being displayed in space that usually is empty anyway. So while it is taking up a lot of space, it wasn't space that was used for anything else most times. And I think they will sell the majority of them at regular price, maybe 60% or more with another 20% at a small sale price of $20 off or something. The rest might need to be cleared out at big savings. That wouldn't be too different from numerous other games. It's likely they're not selling as much as they and other stores would like but I'm sure most are still making a decent profit on it.

I'll come up with something better eventually...