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Wanna know the solution? Make better games. Better games = more sales and less trade-ins.

I'm sorry but this is more bitching over something that the developers have complete control over. If EA didn't come out with a new Madden every year, there wouldn't be 23567676 used ones on the shelf at Gamestop.

If developers made better games, I wouldn't have the desire to trade-in my Horsez for Wii.

No, if there was no resale market, a lot of games would never be played in the first place. That, or pirating or renting (or both) would increase. I'm sorry, but some devs are just greedy bastards. If you make them well in the first place, they will come. If not, Social Darwinism will eat you up like a hot dog at a carnival.


Currently playing: Civ 6