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BengaBenga said:
Gaming on iPod/iPhone will definitely be a success, however it won't replace DS or PSP as real gaming devices:

1. Too simplistic controls. You give Wii as an example, but that's retarded, it still has 10 buttons, a pointer and motion controls. Touch screen only won't work for a lot of genres. That Wii is low quality is trolling.

2. You say DS will be replaced because the library is weak. I say you're insane. Really. The DS library is one of the best EVER in gaming and I can't believe you say there are 10 games on it. Either you never played a DS, you're trolling or you never played a DS.

3. Nintendo games won't be on iPod/Phone. Nintendogs, Brain Training, Mario, Zelda etc.

4. Apple won't advertise as a gaming device. Someone that's looking for a handheld platform will go to the store and buy a PSP or DS, not an iPhone. Not to mention the fact that people buy their phone for completely other reasons than handhelds. On iPod gaming is a nice EXTRA, not a core functionality. In Europe most people get their phones for free with a subscription. Not iPhone though, that one's only available with one phone company (in the States as well I believe, AT&T) and then it's still expensive. How many people do you think will buy an iPod for MGS Touch?


   1) the Wii does have very simplistic controls in many games.  Yes it has buttons but it doesn't have touch which serves the same function.  The use of the accelerometer and the use of the wiimote is quite similar if you've ever played games on the iphone.  I say the Wii is low quality in comparison to the HD consoles because frankly it is.  It is a casual friendly console that's low on graphics and high on approachability.  It is not winning because its games look the best, its winning because people who game casually buy it.

    2) I do own a DS and it has more or less sat in the closet for a good long while now after playing a few games on it.  I can take a picture of it if you like (and the 360 people question my ownership of as well for good measure) Yes they were somewhat fun, but certainly not enough to make me take it with me places.  The HUGE advantage the iphone has is that its always with me no matter what so I can just play a few minutes when I'm waiting for something, with the DS you have to plan to game or something and there are few things on the DS that are worth planning for.  

If I'm home I'd rather use the PC/PS3 and if I'm out the last thing I want is a big ass handheld in my pocket along with my iphone/keys/wallet unless I know its a long car trip or something.  How often are you in the car for 2+ hours to really use a handheld in that kind of situation?

   3) So?  I can get games from just about every other publisher soon enough.  Konami, Namco, EA ect are all producing games for iphone along with all kinds of creative indy developers.  There isn't a whole lot of interesting innovation coming from Nintendo these days anyway.  The latest pokemon games are about the same as they were in the early 90s, the latest Mario game is almost the same as the game I played in 86...I mean Nintendogs was fun for about a week but whats to stop someone from making a VERY similar game on the touch?  If they can port Sim City 3000 in full to the ipod they can certainly make a rather basic pet sim.

   4)  They are advertising it as a gaming device.  I've seen at least a dozen iphone commercials that feature it playing various games like Crash Bandicoot racing.  It probably will not replace it in the core nintendo market of kids and nostalgia seekers, but it will certainly stunt the growth of things like the DS in the expanded market Nintendo talked about during their E3 such as older women and other adults.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me