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BTFeather55 said:
"It also explains why not having any big releases doesn't hurt the Wii's sales. Do you think my dad (or similar consumers) are up on the most recent releases for the Wii? Do you think they know anything about the consternation about a sub par Nintendo E3 with no big releases except ::gag:: Wii Music? Probably not, the Wii is, unlike its competitors, semi-immune to bad software years and doesn't live release to release like the 360 and PS3 seem to."

Yeah, like the Wiimote this is another example of one of the best things about the Wii being one of the worst things about the Wii. All most nongamers know about the Wii is its name and that they should have one. However, that also leads to developers being able to make poor games for the Wii and in being able to get away with doing so which in the long run is damaging to the industry as a whole.

How is it so damaging to the industry? Shovelware has always been around, it isn't a new thing.

It's not as if this shovelware is taking away from the sales of better games. Most of the blockbuster (advertised) Wii games get sales, the problem is few third parties are actually trying.