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Neoraf said:

Does it matter if it is sold in a bundle? Yes.

I fail to see why it would cast Kung Fu Panda sales in a negative light. If people are buying a 360 with Kung Fu Panda bundled in, it may very well imply that people are buying a 360 for Kung Fu Panda, or at the very least suggest that new 360 owners think that it's a great game to pick up along with their 360. How is any of that negative?


People are offered a choice of 4 games with the PS3.  You can either pick up LBP, Resistance 2, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, or Singstar Abba. Hence, people picking up a PS3 can choose from a selection of games to buy. If they did not like LBP, they would pick another game. However, in the 360 budle, you have no choice of which games to choose along with your 360, you simply get Kung Fu Panda (along with the lego indianna jones game).

Also, your argument was based on an assumption. It is not known how many bundled copies of LBP contribute to total LBP sales.