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Resident Evil is not a quickly evolving series. It took them having four basically identical entries in the series before they completely changed the game around. Why would anyone have expected a major revolution now that they have a winning formula? It took over five years of bitching the last time before the gameplay took a radical shift.

Frankly, I like that it's RE 4.5. Why? Because I like RE4. More of a good thing, at least the first time is not necessarily a bad thing.

Regarding going back from Wii controls, I just don't see the issue. Yeah they're great. However, there was a time that we were all playing RE4 on two analog sticks on our GCs and PS2s and there was never a complaint at the time. I don't see the problem of going back to that. If it can entertain you once, it can entertain you again.

Quick note: Co-op rocks! It has the best parts of Gears and Army of Two all rolled up into one.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.