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Sardauk said:

cura said:

Sardauk said:

cura said:

Sardauk said:

colonelstubbs said:
An unsurprising list but...they dont want resistance 2!? madness


What a crappy article.

On the list of 5 games, 3 are still in development !

360 owners want real games, no PS3-IWBH-sh*t.


I would swich the title to "TOP 3 games the PS3 players badly need".



the article covers the top five games, which doesn't necessarily mean it's an exhaustive list, does it?


MMh If I wanted to buy those games, I would have bought a PS3...


 haha, what a useless post. If I wanted mass effect 2, then I'd buy a 360... what was your point?

You initially said that 3 of the top 5 games were unreleased and then used that fact to imply that the ps3 has not many (or any) worthwhile games currently.

I was merely pointing out that the top 5 games listed in the aforementioned article was not an exhaustive list. There are other great ps3 exlusives that would have been included in that list if it had been extended. Also, by implying the ps3 needs those  games the most by referring to an article that focuses only on exlusive games and therefore forgoes 90% or more of the playstation's gaming library is nonsensical.

Sorry but your post was utter tripe.


Same for your answer my dear...


I pointed that the article, not your post, is useless.

If I want to play some games, I buy a PS3 and I don't wait for them to be ported on the 360. Simple no ?



Correct but you did not give any reasons for why you thought the article was crap.

This has nothing to do with pointing out that the article is ‘crap’, and as I said earlier is utter tripe.

O.K., you would buy a PS3 to play some PS3 games instead of waiting for them to be ported to the 360 but that doesn’t make the article crap, does it? Nor does it relate to what you said earlier (i.e. the post I called tripe)

Oh dear sweetie…