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Neoraf said:


This word says everything.
Nothing to be proud of.


 Does it matter if it is sold in a bundle? I fail to see why it would cast LBP sales in a negative light. If people are buying a PS3 with LBP bundled in, it may very well imply that people are buying a PS3 for LBP, or at the very least suggest that new PS3 owners think that it's a great game to pick up along with their PS3. How is any of that negative?

Also, you don't know how many bundled copies of LBP have sold, and therefore its contribution to total LBP sales.

Next time you are going to make a post based on an assumption at least try to make it logical and coherent. Surely for a 27 year old you'd have something a little bit more substantial and reasoned to say than just it is "nothing to be proud of". lol