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Yeah, this game kicks ass. It's everything I like about the mindless action genre. Lots of killing, beautiful settings, not a lot of dialogue to get in the way of my rampage of death and destruction.

Perfect controls and somewhat humorous one-liners don't hurt, that's for sure.

You know what amazes me? That Epic can get so damned much out of the UE3 engine while other developers struggle. There's nary a hitch in this game's play, graphics, or loading. Sure, they made the engine, but it shows just how well it can be implemented in the right hands.

After a day of arguing with the ex-wife over stupid shit, exploding Locust heads is just what I needed.

It's nice to see that a game like this can almost completely lack a story and still carry itself so well through excellent gameplay, non-stop action, perfect pacing, and... Exploding heads.

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