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But, we can't. 

I'm no Daddy Warbucks, or anything, but I'd love to be able to give XBLA games as gifts to people on my friends list.  Today, I got World of Goo from somebody on the Secret Santa list on this site, and it has really made my day.  I've given games to others on the Wii before, but this is the first time I got one from someone.  Feels pretty good!

Anyway, I have a couple of friends in other states that used to come over and play games all the time.  Now, both of them are in college.  Of all of my gaming friends, these were the only two whom I consider hardcore.  They both buy decent games, but rarely do they ever buy what I want to buy.  Halo 3, Gears of War 2, and Burnout Revenge being the only exceptions.  And, being in college they tend to trade in their games once they beat them.  I hate playing with strangers, sooooo.

This is where XBLA comes in.  Neither of them have ever bought a game from the Arcade.  If I could gift them a game, they'd have more of the same great games that I have.  They'd also be unable to trade them in (I bought Burnout for one of them last year, and they traded it within a month for store credit!).  Anyway Microsoft, get to work on that!!