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Impulsivity said:

   So I saw my parents recently before they took off to vacation in Hawaii or wherever for an early holiday gathering.  I ended up at some point telling my dad that I sold my Wii and the games I had with it (and the 4 controllers) to pay the last of my grad school tuition last quarter expecting him to think that was a fiscally responsible choice.

   Instead his immediate reaction was "What?  Why didn't you tell us! We'd have bought that from you!"

   I'm not young, goin on 26 now, which means my dad is pushing 60 and hasn't bought a gaming machine since the Atari.  At best the last 10 years he occasionally plays Tiger Woods golf 07 on his mac and once in a while Diablo 2.  He only played the Wii a bit, mainly Wii Sports, when I had it and lived near by right after its launch and now my 60 year old dad wants to buy one.

    I've had at least 20 consoles since I was a kid.  From the NES to the PS3 he has never shown much interest in any of them (other then Blu Ray on the PS3 obviously) until the Wii.  I doubt he'd buy a huge ammount of games or push Nintendo for "core" titles, but he would certainly pick up a Wii apparently.

   So if anyone is wondering how the Wii is picking up 2 million in sales in one month, its because even 60 year olds with no kids still in the house consider buying it.

   It also explains why not having any big releases doesn't hurt the Wii's sales.  Do you think my dad (or similar consumers) are up on the most recent releases for the Wii?  Do you think they know anything about the consternation about a sub par Nintendo E3 with no big releases except ::gag:: Wii Music?  Probably not, the Wii is, unlike its competitors, semi-immune to bad software years and doesn't live release to release like the 360 and PS3 seem to.

Your Dad plays D2?! he effing rocks!


-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-