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Euphoria14 said:
TheGuardianFID said:
Euphoria14 said:
^ Metal Gear Solid 4 pack is the first one that really adds new levels and gameplay options. The paintinator and sticker switches alone can possibly enable you to make side scrolling shooters.

I think that pack is going to sell really well.


I agree, I think it's game changing, side scrolling shooters FTW, speaking of which Crash Commando came out yesterday on the PSN, if you guys haven't tried it, it's awesome, I highly recommend it!!!



Oh, it is definitely game changing. Did you see the video for the pack? It looks like the MSG4 levels play like a side scrolling shooter.

Yeah that was funny as hell lol, in the beginning when he had all those exclamation points all over his face I almost busted a gut laughing lol, the shooter style gameplay just looks great, PAINTINATOR FTW!!!



Why is SkyNet wearing a PS3 Logo???