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Shanobi said:
Squilliam said:
Cueil said:
Squilliam said:
Shanobi said:
You fail to address the point. And guess what? Many games don't cost more than that.

But hey, ignore everything I proved you wrong with.

? You talking to me?

Anyway if you are talking to me, that $1,000,000 Euro figure was most likely for the DS as they didn't differentiate between them.



one million dollar euros?

Now all you need to do, is give me your credit card details so we can confirm who you are so we can transfer the money...

Yeah, read the link above it quotes quite a cheap price for the casualz type games from Ubisoft.


"May 30, 2007 - Publisher Ubisoft was one of the first third parties to recognize the potential of Nintendo's Wii console and back the platform with a wealth of titles. The company's headlining launch games, Red Steel and Rayman Raving Rabbids, were both exclusively created for Wii and have in the six months since they released each become million-sellers around the world. However, many of the developer's other efforts - all of them quick and unimpressive ports of previously released games on other systems - have faired poorly both from a critical and retail perspective. In an interview with leading German news magazine Spiegel, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot and European head Alain Corre admitted that the publisher was too quick to rush these titles to the market.

"We made mistakes," they told the magazine. According to Spiegel, Ubisoft wanted to be first to capitalize on Wii and in its haste to release product it sacrificed the quality of the titles. Ubisoft has reportedly learned from its mistakes, though, and is promising that the quality of its forthcoming Wii projects will be significantly better."

"At the BMO Capital Markets' Annual Interactive Entertainment Conference in New York City on Tuesday, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot delivered a presentation that was not short on praise for Nintendo. He was particularly enamored with Nintendo's success in both the handheld and console markets, as well as their strategy of attracting casual gamers outside of the usual hardcore gaming market.


"[Nintendo's mass market strategy] is very profitable for Nintendo, and very profitable for all third-party publishers," he said. "...Because [the strategy] is working, we create more product [for Nintendo platforms] and this will actually bring more people into the industry. The Wii is going to continue to do extremely well with no limit to growth.""

"He also revealed some figures on the current costs of development, stating that DS games only need to sell around 100,000 units to become profitable. By comparison, a game developed for PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 has to sell upwards of 1.3 million units to achieve profitability."



Comming from a company who's games generally sell several million copies on the 360...  I apploaud them for doing stuff for the Wii that targets the Wii's audiance specificly and I wish the success