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Kantor said:
numonex said:

Pro-Sony BS. I strongly disagree with their awards. Gears of War 2 is clearly a better game than MGS 4. Opinion

Resistance 2 better multi-player than Gears of War 2? No way. Gears of War 2 is better than Resistance 2. Opinion

Fable 2 deserved best RPG game of the year. Fallout 3 was a boring game - IMO. Opinion

Gears of War 2 has better graphics than MGS 4. MGS 4 70% cut scenes and only 30% game. Outright Lie.

You're entitled to an opinion, but don't lie. MGS4 is nowhere near 70% cutscene. Playing on Solid Normal, you will have some 15 hours of gameplay and 8 hours of cutscene at the least.

@Comrade Tovya: And yet they are pretty much the only Game of The Year award that hasn't given into the hype/moneyhatting and chosen GTA4 as Game of The Year. Maybe it's my Sony fanboyism speaking, but like I said earlier, IMO these are the best GoTY awards yet. IGN is second, just looking at the PS3 awards, since Overall isn't up yet. GameSpot is again yet to be seen.


Honestly, I generally don't agree with "GOTY" awards... my favorite games tend to fall in the fringe really. My game of the year is different than a lot of peoples.

With that being said, it doesn't change the fact that an "award" from a blog of fanboys won't get a software developer serving champaign in celebration I assure you. 

I just think it's funny that people in the thread are celebrating or complaining about a bunch of gamer kids' picks on their blog... who cares, really?

Throw a fit or celebrate if it's rotten IGN or Yahoo! or whomever... those sites are actually read by more than 10 people.  I just don't see what the big deal about the opinions of a couple of kids who play video games and blog about it. 

I'm actually looking forward to seeing the results of this site's GOTY poll... it's actually a site that matters.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
