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Kantor said:
Yahoo are Microsoft fanboys, everybody knows this. To not even nominate MGS4 for GoTY is simply retarded. They could achieve the same effect by screaming "PLEASE BUY US MICROSOFT!" from the top of a very tall building. And maybe we could push them off afterwards then.


Are you kidding?  Yahoo! despises Microsoft... especially the Yahoo! brass.  That was one of the reasons that Yang rejected the merger/buyout.  Yahoo! feels that MS smothers creativity and didn't want any part of them.  They only kicked themselves for rejecting the buyout because the market crash and subsequent Yahoo! share free fall, and not because they actually have any love for them.  They'd support a Google buyout of Yahoo! for that matter... anyone with the will and the cash.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
