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No shit people aren't buing Blu Ray's -it's a damn overprised product which basicly is the same as a DVD - it's not a revolution like the DVD was over the VHS - just the same thing in a more fancy and overpriced package..
People allready own the movies they want to on DVD, and they're not likely to allready go out and buy them again (which a lot allready did, when they switched their VHS collection out with a DVD collection), in a ugly blue box, which does't even fit in your collection on the scale front..

Blu Ray is a prime example of disrespecting your costumers and taking their willingness to buy anything for granted - I really hope Blu Ray ends op failing or just ends up like what the Laser Disc was to VHS back in the days, becuase I see it as a wrong thing, to try and determine what the user needs - when the DVD's took over the market, people embraced it - because they could see the benefits - with Blu Ray, it more seems like it's a few major corporations that are trying to force a new product onto the consumers..

Lukely people aren't as stupid as they expected..