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SpartanFX said:
^^have you played burnout paradise?if you have you would know why it won the award ,,,especially when you consider the free updates the dev adds to the game constantly (which are huge DLCs for free)

I have no dispute with the winner, it has the critical scores if not the sales to support it. Besides, I don't really expect them to vote for a Wii game to win, no matter what. Their heads would explode.

But to not even nominate MK Wii when it critically outscored other nominees and out sold and had a higher attach rate than any of them it can only mean one of two things:

1.    There is a criteria for being worthy of nomination that I have failed to consider, cover art perhaps.

2.    Or this is an organization of petty minded, mean spirited game snobs masquerading as a serious gaming site.

I can only believe that it and many other sites are exactly that and having found their subtler sniping and ridicule is having no effect and the Casual heretics and their devil’s spawn platforms are just picking up speed, they have taken the gloves off and abandoned their last pretense at objectivity.

Fair enough, I can play. I’ll quit pretending that a slightly sharper TV is just the most exciting thing ever – yeah right, almost as sharp as the PC that I played COD1 on.

 I’ll no longer politely sit there quietly while some GED reject waxes poetic about GTA as great literature without screaming “you ever even been in a library, you clueless twit?”

Nor will I ever again draw blood biting my cheek trying to keep from laughing hysterically at some putz explaining why having a friend call you on a virtual cell phone in the middle of a game, shows great creative thinking.

Nor be told how if God hadn’t meant for us to use a six axis, he wouldn’t have given us thumbs.

Or apologize that I once actually played a video game with my 93 year old mother.

Or be a secret closet Wii Sport player.

They want war, bring it on!  So no, I don’t really care whether or not Sony pulls their arrogant head out of their ass and manages by some miracle to turn it around. And no, I don’t care if Microsoft has actually fixed RROD because even if they have they’ll find some other way to f**k up the system. They always have. I don’t really care if they both go broke trying to undercut a system that costs half as much to build and end up in bankruptcy court sharing a lawyer because they can’t afford their own.

If the hard ass hardcore can’t make a little room in their world for other gamers with slightly different tastes, at least enough to play fairly using your own lopsided rules, then we’ll settle this by pure Darwinian survival of the Wii fittest.