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Whew i had 2 weeks of finals and crap load of art I had to do...good to be back ^.^

Anyway i finally was able to dwelve into my copy of Valkyria Chronicles. I already tinkered with it a lot before but never actually payed attention to the story. I would just skip everything and play tell chap 4 or 5 then quit without saving (i like hearing story but I hate not being able to divert my full attention to something without so much going on)

Anyway topic on hand. Every single minor character actually has a personality. There are no rent-a-cops. Its nice touch. Pretty much who are your favorite Minor characters in the game?

Mine are Marinas and Hannes. Marinas cause i do airsoft as a sniper on my squad and while her personality doesn't fit mine in actual life while I am doing airsoft It fits PERFECT. I hate it when I go to a SAC air game and a greenhorn follows my spotter and me trying to team up. I have been known to shoot them if they don't listen cause im afraid they will give away my position.

I like Hannes simply cause he reminds me of Rambo which makes for tons of jokes. Ali and me will do are best rocky voices and try completing the whole mission with mainly him make him do rambo moves and yelling everytime he shoots. Yah we have lame humor but at least it's entertaining for us.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2