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Why would take two have to pay MS or share any of the revenue of the DLC with MS. Take Two is being PAID to make the content only available for MS. Otherwise they could release it on both platforms. MS receives the benefit of increased hardware sales and increased subscriptions. If Take Two had to pay the 50,000,000 dollars back it simply wouldn't have happened.....It wasn't a loan, they have no debt, and good cash flow. IMHO I believe that the biggest winner is Take Two b/c every unit of DLC sold is probably added directly to the bottom line.

Anyways......I will be buying both



I think MS went to Take Two and said something like the following to set up the agreement,


Mr. Microsoft Gaming CEO: "Mr. Take Two CEO,  we are confident your subsidiary Rockstar North's GTA 4 will be a financial success on our platform.  To further capitalize on the success of the game we would like to bank roll some exclusive downloadable content for the Xbox 360.  We will give you 50 million dollars. Use the money to make the DLC long and enjoyable. If it is up to Rockstar North's usual standards I am sure it will be just that and the public will respond well to the content, thus generating more revenue for both our companies.  However, should you guys skimp on the quality and produce crap, we will have to hold you accountable, and that means we will expect some of our money back if losses are incurred.  Do you feel you guys are up to the challenge?"


Mr. Take Two CEO: "Yes. Our company will make some great DLC and the masses will rejoice."


Mr. MS Gaming CEO: "Excellent. We have a deal."