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I think you guys can look in my photo album to see where I stand on facial hair.

That was my first moustache, at age 21, a week before I turned 22 actually. That was 2 years and 2 months of growing, but for the first year or so it was basically some dirt on my lip that looked really stupid and hilarious. I kept it to look stupid on purpose, and then all of a sudden it caught up with me and turned into a giant badass moustache. I recommend Clubman's Moustache Wax for curling. Accept no substitutes.

That was my 2nd moustache, at age 24, and that was exactly one year of growing.

It sped up really fast between those years.

I've never had a girlfriend that liked my facial hair, but I've never shaved for a girl. Right now my face is bald again and my wife is really happy about it.

And electric shavers are dumb. I only use them to trim my happy trail and armpit hair at a respectable inch or so do I don't retain as much stink-sweat.