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I finished finals and survived.  And I saved the best for last.  I typed about 4500 words today.  It was horrible.

I had a 4 hour nap from 6 am to 10 am this morning, and I've eaten one piece of swiss cheese at 3 pm and one at 5 am.  Other than that, haven't eaten in about 24 hours.  I feel very faint.

In my self-imposed 10 day hiatus frmo the Chartz I beat Yoshi's Island DS and started playing X-COM: Terror From the Deep, and it's way harder than the original X-COM: UFO Defense.

I'm gonna go grab a bottle of whiskey and fuck up some aliens.

How's everybody doing tonight?

I miss anything crazy in the last 10 days?

I see the Wii's marketshare has been increasing faster than ever.  I still think it'll hit 50% by New Year's.  The gap's less than 2 million.  I'm holding onto my prediction until the last second.