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Nice thoughtful post.

I, for one, think Sony is in trouble, for all the reasons we've seen discussed here for weeks. The yen, Blu-Ray driving up the costs and not allowing for price drops, the 360 eating away at the Sony base, the runaway success of the Wii, the economy, etc etc etc.

Sony as an entire company is hurting, so they can't just keep sinking money into the PS3. It will be interesting to see what happens, but if the economy in Japan continues to slide, especially if greater problems relative to the rest of the world, I could see the PS3 really take a turn for the worse as Sony Corp. has to focus its attention/money/resources where they can make profits back in their other divisions.

It could conceivably come to the point where they have to somewhat pull the plug if it gets bad enough. If GM and Ford can go down, Sony can go down. It is a possibility that this could drive them from the market, which would be pretty sad for gaming.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?