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CrazzyMan said: Bonafide732 said: i think its already at the point of no return... the price and lack of software is killing it in japan right now... even though its outselling the 360 4 to 1 the wii is outselling ps3 3 to 1... they need some.. not just 1 but 2 or more killer apps or they are never gonna catch up...can you name any console, that cost more then 500-600$ and outsells ps3 ???
Probably not, but given the PS3's sales that's not the key point. The real question Sony should have asked themselves 3 years ago is has a $500-600 system ever done well in a console race much less actually won? The answer to that is no. It's even worse for Sony since their heavy reliance on 3rd party means they need to be first or close to first to get the games that sell on their system to make a profit on selling their systems for a loss. But like Nintendo circa 1994 Sony got arrogant and started thinking they were the video game industry.