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A summary of the X-Play footage shown thus far (stolen from Gaf):

-New area shown. Much less run down than the original demo/shown media areas.
-Melee combat is much better now. Punches, kicks and combos shown (which I complained about and mentioned should be added in the first place. Take that, "but but you don't need it crew".)
-Supervillain boss fight and setup shown: He poisoned the city's water supply and it makes everyone sick. You get sprayed with the toxin while trying to help and start to hallucinate. You go in and out of consciousness while the boss taunts you and tries to turn you evil.
-NPC character sidekick introduced. She's a friend from before the blast and runs around healing everyone in the city. She also healed you after you got knocked out by the posion, setting up the boss encounter.