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Faboys are no strangers to war, after all we've been fighting for as long as we can remember, war is all we know.

In the past we fought for exclusives, for graphics, we fought for online, but all that changed after wii day.

For 3 years we have been fighting for are awesome consoles against nasty, trolling freaks , but it is a fight we cannot continue. Normal gamers are facing extinction, unless we end this war now.

We hoped that the mods will get rid of the trollers, but they survived and have returned stronger than ever. They have brought nonsence with them that could hurt people's feelings, even vgchartz our last hope for survival in these dark days is now at risk. Soon normal gamers will have nothing left, so that leaves us with one option....attack!

Normal gamers, what I ask of you is not an easy thing, but it is neccessary, if we are to survive, if we are to see vgchartz grow, watch good games coming out, and experience a life we have never known, we must now take the fight to the fanboys. We will got to where their computers are, and where they get their facts and we will destroy them!

This is the day we take the battle to the heart of the enemy, this is the day we correct the flaws in humanity!