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Impulsivity said:

In a related question, has anyone been amazed or overjoyed at any paid DLC for any console game thus far? Outside the truly awesome (mainly due to their being free) Burnout content I can't think of anything impressive from any DLC this gen from any system.

I really liked this question because I too find myself to be very rarely interested in DLC to the point where I have purchased very little of it myself. In fact, the only DLC I purchased was for Folklore on the PS3; I was really into that game when I got it and decided it was worth extending for $5.00 or so.

I was really stoked for Portal:Still Alive on the 360, but to be frank the pricing and the structure of the download put me off. 1200 points ($15.00) seems logical if you don't have The Orange Box, but if you do and you just want the the Still Alive content it feels like a rip-off. Its too bad they didn't offer a download of just still alive for 400-600 points.

I seem to remember being impressed with amount of DLC the was coming out for Warhawk and MotorStorm though I never purchased any for either.

Currently I am interested to see the DLC pans out for Fallout 3, Tomb Raider:Underworld, Fable 2, Mirror's Edge, MotorStorm:Pacific Rift, Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet.