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Ok, I'm gonna comment here also. As has been said, Konami is bringing MGS and Silent Hill to the platform. S-E has announced Crystal Defenders, Force Unleashed is already out, Brothers in Arms too. Namco Bandai has released I Love Katamari, SEGA was among the first with SUper Monkey Ball, and then there is of course ngmoco, formed by two ex-EA execs. Sure, it's not yet that much, but given that the App Store has been around for less than half a year, and that it's Apples first real entry (forget Pippin) into games, I think that's pretty spectacular.

Also, I've read multiple statements from developers saying that the iPhone/iTouch + AppStore is the easies and most profitable platform they've ever worked on. By all accounts, releasing a game in the App Store is way easier than releasing for any of the "real" gaming platforms, not to mention you get a bigger slice of the pie. It's a win-win situation for Apple AND for the devs, and it's going to be absolute nightmare for Nintendo or Sony to compete with App Store. Their heritage as console manufacturers and the current business model of the game industry makes it pretty much impossible for them to offer anything on the level of App Store.