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I think that 20 bucks is just way too high a price point. I mean if there are 2 expansions at 20 each thats more or less a full different game. I would find it hard to justify paying 20 bucks for an expansion of a game I still haven't quite finished after buying it day one.

IMO the highest price point for DLC that really justifies the purchase is 10 bucks, anything more then that I'd rather just get another different game. That is of course assuming that I owned the 360 version instead of the PS3 version, but I could probably sell the PS3 version and get the 360 version for a very similar price (GTA IV is like 20 bucks used a lot of places by now) so if I really cared about 20 dollar DLC it would be a wash.

Wake me when GTA V gets here or a proper GTA:SA style "expansion" comes out with a different city and truly new features.

If it sells more then two million copies I would be amazed, my guess would be 1 million until they drop the price to 10 bucks in which case something like 4 million is possible.

If, like people above are saying, MS gets 30% of the revenue from the DLC then it needs to sell almost 5 million to get their investment back (30 million on 100 million of revenue).

In a related question, has anyone been amazed or overjoyed at any paid DLC for any console game thus far? Outside the truly awesome (mainly due to their being free) Burnout content I can't think of anything impressive from any DLC this gen from any system.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me